• If the author belongs to any branch of the University, they must request an official letter from their director, who validates the publication and issues the request to the attention of Antonio Jesús Ramos Revillas, Director of the UANL Editorial House.
• If the author is external to UANL, they must submit a request for publication to the head of the UANL Editorial House by letter .
• The author must submit the complete material in Word format, Arial size 11 font, both printed and in digital file and in the corresponding sequence, including acknowledgments, prologue, index, synopsis of the book, biographical information.
• Once these requirements have been met, the author must call 8329-4126 and 8329 4111 to request an appointment with the Director in which they will present the characteristics and conditions of the author´s work.
• Once the material to be published is received, the UANL Editorial House will provide you with proof that the work has been received.
• Then, the material undergoes a review process, which will show whether the work is publishable or not, or if it presents observations to be corrected.
• If the review results in the work not being publishable, the process ends here.
• If the opinion is positive, publishing conditions are established with the author, and an edition agreement is signed stating only 10% of the edition’s circulation will be granted as royalHes in kind.